My name is Hadassah. I am a Korean/German American who loves making clothes! I have a passion for upcycling and have been bringing new life to clothes since I was in middle school. Now here I am upcycling and creating new for you! With the goal in mind to connect and build our community of creators, fashion lovers and more.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at hadassah@jeongdesigns.com
Instagram: jeong.designs

A Korean cultural value that is pronounced "chung" and is a feeling of loyalty and strong connection to people and places. It goes deeper than friendship and love, and grows stronger over time. Jeong can be seen in the Korean custom such as sharing food with people including strangers, helping each other, taking baths together as friends, and so on. I chose this because of my love for community. My family taught me from a young age this feeling. Our home was bursting with noise because of everyone that was always over.
Once I moved out, I had a hard time eating by myself because it was always a group activity, a time to share and bond. I built this community by going to the bathhouse with my mom, having coffee dates with my dad, meeting new people and inviting them over for food to hear their stories and to build a friendship. I have spent my 20's building and connecting with the local fashion community in my hometown of Portland, OR.
Each of my garments are named after a woman in my life that has impacted me. I feel this value deeply and want to use my brand to build this feeling and community with all of you.